The Double Girder Gantry Crane And It’s Importance

While most people would be unaware of the fact, the Double Girder Gantry Crane is a hero in the world of lifting large weights. Interestingly almost all of us have products such as furniture, TVs and other household items that have made their way to us courtesy of the Double Girder Gantry Crane (Двухбалочные козловые краны). So what actually is this hero of lifting and how is it relevant to me you may ask. This particular crane has the prestige of being one of the heaviest lifters in the world and comes in a range of sizes, the bigger the better as the greater the size the better the lifting capability.

Selling double girder gantry crane
Give gantry crane 25 ton

To give you a better idea of how your life is made more comfortable thanks to this mighty crane, it is of the type used by docks around the world to lift the heaviest of cargo containers that are packed full of goods made around the world and shipped to a port near you. The latest Japanese TV that you watch cable TV on would have been shipped from Japan via a container ship whose containers have been loaded on and unloaded courtesy of a double girder gantry crane. The same applies to the furniture that you have in your home along with many other goods that ply the high seas.

So why is this gantry crane so strong? Its strength comes from its design which is usually constructed with two very large legs at either end similar to an A-Frame found on many other engineering items that require strength. Each side of the A-Frame is attached to a large bridge which it supports. It is this bridge that the containers are attached to and which the legs offer supporting strength to allow the bridge to move containers along.

Get 32 ton gantry crane in China
32 ton gantry crane for sale

These double gantry cranes are not only used in the ports and docks around the world but also in large factories where heavy loads need to be moved from one place to another. If you can think about some of the very large machines that are used in the mining industry then it is no stretch of the imagination to find out that it is gantry cranes that take some of these partly constructed machines and move them from one area of the factory to the next workstation where parts are assembled and then moved by the gantry to the next workstation. Once the crane has visited each of the manufacturing and assembly stations in the factory then it takes its heavy load out to the shipping dock where another gantry crane will take the completed piece of machinery and load it onto a vehicle ready for its next stage in its transportation. This cycle continues until the completed machine reaches its destination.

Based on the above it is easy to see the huge workload that these gantry cranes (краны козловые кк) complete day in and day out. Can you imagine a world without the double girder gantry and its amazing ability to continually lift and move some of the largest weights in the world?