Overview Of Sugarcane Bagasse Uses For Charcoal Production

There is a material that is produced after sugarcane has been processed. It is called bagasse. This fibrous material remains after all of the stalks have been crushed, extracting all of the juices within the fiber is substance. What remains is a dry pulpy substance. This is what you can use to convert into a couple different types of biofuel. This could be fuel like that which is used with diesel motors, or it can be processed into charcoal. Pyrolysis machines (máquina de pirólisis de biocarbón) are used to do this. Here is an overview of how this is done and those sugarcane bagasse uses for charcoal.

Sugarcane Bagasse Uses For Charcoal
Sugarcane Bagasse Uses For Charcoal

How Is Charcoal Produced From Sugarcane Bagasse?

Pyrolysis machines are extremely unique units that come in many different sizes. You can get a basic model that is small, capable of producing a small amount of biofuel. It is also possible to order an entire biochar pyrolysis machine which can be delivered to your location. They all work under the same principle. The material which is processed is chipped or cut into smaller components and placed into a pyrolysis reactor. There is no oxygen during this chain reaction which will occur when the material is heated to several hundred degrees. Combustion will not occur, and the remaining residue from this process will be gases that become liquids, and solid materials which is the biochar that becomes the charcoal (máquina para hacer carbón de bagazo de caña de azúcar).

biochar pyrolysis machine
Biochar pyrolysis machine

How Do You Find Companies That Sell This?

You can find many companies that sell these machines. China Beston Machinery is one of them. The countries in Asia typically have the best ones. They have been doing this type of work for decades, but it is only in the last few years that this type of industry has taken off. People are more concerned than ever before about the creation of usable substances from materials that can be recycled. That is why finding a machine that can convert bagasse into biochar might be exactly what you need to do if you have access to a sugarcane plant that is harvested.

Depending upon the amount of sugarcane bagasse that you are going to have at the end of the harvest season, you may need to invest in either a small or large pyrolysis machine (máquina de carbón para la venta). Once you have found a company that can provide one for you, you should look for a few others, and then choose the one that has the best price. This will allow you to take advantage of making charcoal from bagasse. It will be easy to find companies that will be willing to purchase it from you helping your company to make more revenue.