Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Truck Price – Things You Should Know

A variety of factors affect the self-loading concrete mixer truck price. These include brand-name, processing capacity of the truck, level of automation, ease of maintenance, ease of operation, and other such things. Price is always important but shouldn’t be your topmost priority when buying this truck.

The durability of various components and efficiency is much more important and so is the ease of cleaning. If the mixer isn’t easy to clean, it would be difficult for the operators to ensure necessary cleaning after each use, and if it isn’t cleaned properly, it won’t last long.

self loading concrete mixer truck price

Self loading concrete mixer trucks are in huge demand due to their various advantages. Many such models are easy to operate and easy to maintain. Also, complete automation helps in keeping operational costs down as most of the work is done automatically. In a fully automated mixer truck, the operator needs to punch in a few numbers and all the work is done on its own. Here is a detailed explanation of the factors affecting its price:


Several companies are involved in the manufacturing of these mixer trucks. Some of these companies sell these trucks at unbelievably low prices. These low prices are a result of the use of substandard materials for manufacturing various components. Also, most companies rely on suppliers for various parts. Find more details at aimix.My.

These low-priced trucks typically have low-quality parts that are sourced from cheap suppliers. This is why you should never buy a no-name brand as it’s likely to have low-quality parts that won’t stand the test of time and you will be forced to spend a lot of money on repairs and replacement parts.

self loading concrete mixer truck price

Processing Capacity

These trucks are sold in a wide range of processing capacities which is typically measured in cubic yards or cubic meters per hour. Needless to say, price increases proportionally to the rise in processing capacity. Many beginners think that they should buy as much processing capacity as possible as more is always better but that is not the case when it comes to a concrete mixer.

A self loading concrete mixer has fixed operational costs. Every time you run it, it is going to cost you the same amount of money. If you are not able to use it to its optimum capacity, you won’t be able to generate as much revenue as you should. In short, you might not be able to compete with your competitors if you buy a lot more processing capacity than needed.

Ease of Maintenance and Operation

A self loading mixer truck needs to be well-maintained in order to retain its operating efficiency. However, some designs are extremely difficult to maintain and clean. This is why it is important to pay special attention to the design regarding its ease of maintenance as well as ease of cleaning.

Also, check the operating manual to make sure that you do not need too many operators to operate it successfully. In most cases, only one or two operators are required to operate a self-loading truck.

Overall, a variety of factors affect the self-loading mobile concrete mixer price including its brand-name, its processing capacity as well as its design. It is important to stick to reputed brands if you want to ensure the long-term success of your business.