Where Can You Install A Semi Gantry Crane?

There are different types of cranes that are produced in the world today. One of the most unique is the semi gantry crane. Typically position on the exterior of the building. One half of this crane is going to use the structure as a form of support. These are often seen and shipping yards and warehouses where materials are being brought in to your facility. Loads can be lifted and lowered using these cranes, and they are very versatile if they are equipped with some form trolley. If you would like to know where you can install a semi gantry crane, here are some options.

Semi Gantry Crane
Semi Gantry Crane

Where Can You Install A Semi Gantry Crane?

Although these are typically used for outdoor activities, they can also be positioned inside of the facility. It depends upon the height of the interior of the structure in which they will potentially be positioned. It’s important to install these in areas which will be the most useful. You may want to do so where a pre-existing large overhead crane once existed. This will ensure that you will know that the structure supporting the crane will be able to handle the weight that you are lifting.

Why Would You Use This Instead Of A Regular Overhead Crane?

One of the main reasons for using this type of gantry crane is that they tend to be less expensive. That is because they are designed to not only support themselves with supporting beams, but also to the structure that they will be attached to. Additionally, they provide a level of convenience. For example, if they are positioned on the exterior of the warehouse or building, you can drive trucks directly beneath them. When equipped with a trolley, you can move items from one truck to the other. This is something that is often done for those supporting the trucking industry.

Single Girder Semi Gantry Crane
Single Girder Semi Gantry Crane

How to Find Companies That Market Them

The businesses that market these will also have a wide variety of other electric overhead cranes available. They may originate from countries such as India, China, and even Australia, depending upon where the manufacturers are choosing to distribute them. The price for some of these will be much lower due to the cost of production. You may not realize how easy it is to find businesses that specialize in this industry. Once you know where you can install your semi-gantry crane, you will want to choose one that comes with the highest recommendations.

Whether you choose to install one right below an existing electric overhead traveling crane, or perhaps outside of the facility, they can play a pivotal role in increasing production levels. You could be assisting in the storage of materials that will be shipped later. It is also possible to immediately load other vehicles that will be used as secondary transport. Regardless of where they go, make sure that the supporting structure for the side that needs will be able to handle the weight. These can be a very affordable way to take advantage of the ingenuity built into modern-day overhead gantry cranes.