4 Factors to Consider When Asking Batching Plant Costs

Batching plants are used to mix different types of raw materials. They can be expensive and require a lot of maintenance, but they will save you time in the long run. If you are looking to purchase a new one, four factors can contribute to the overall cost of batching plant.

AJ-120 stationary concrete-batching plant for Bangladesh

1) Volume

The volume of your plant will affect the cost. The larger you want it to be, the more expensive it is going to be. Also, if you are buying a used batching plant, this may not apply, but for new ones, size does matter and usually comes with an increase in price tag. This means that smaller batches can be made more quickly and efficiently than larger batches.

When buying a used plant, you will want to make sure that it is properly cleaned out so there isn’t any old cement or rubble still in the machine itself because this could cause blockages or other damage when making new batches of concrete. Not cleaning it can also lead to an increase in maintenance costs.

batching plant for building project in Bangladesh

2) Material Type

The material type that you are going to be using will also affect the cost of your plant. For example, if you want a batching plant for ready mix concrete, it will need measures and weights specific to that industry. In contrast, other materials such as sand or gravel would require different types of measurements and scales inside the machine itself.

This also goes for the accessories and tools that go with your new plant. If you need a specific shovel or bucket to help scoop material into it, then this will increase the overall cost of your batching plant.

For example, a bucket designed for use with ready mix concrete would hold more than one of the buckets explicitly made for sand and gravel. This helps save time when making your batches by not refilling as often or depending on what you are mixing.

hopper type batching plants in Bangladesh

3) Location

The location of your plant will affect the cost. If you are planning on keeping it inside, this will save a lot in energy costs since outside plants have to constantly cool off when not being used and heat up during use.

However, suppose you plan on using yours outdoors or having an outdoor pit that needs filling with cement from your new plant. In that case, you will need to factor in the extra cost of having a more energy-efficient machine and possibly even an added expense for creating your own pit.

This is another reason why size matters when purchasing a batching plant because it would be easier to keep inside than outside. If it’s much larger, it also raises issues with where you are going to store it.

belt type concrete batching plants for Bangladesh

Additionally, you will need drainage and water hookups and a power source such as an extension cord or generator for outdoor use. For these reasons, if your plant is meant to be used outside, it would probably be best to have the professionals install everything, so you don’t run into any issues with safety regulations.

4) Automation Level

The automation level of your machine will also affect the cost of setting up concrete batching plant. Automated ones are pricier. This will require a lot of things to design an efficient plant without someone manually controlling it. While it’s true that you can save money by cutting expenses on staffing, it could cost more upfront for the plant itself.

These are the main factors affecting batching plant costs, so consider them when shopping around so you can get the best deal for your business.