The Benefits Of Investing In Concrete Mixer Pumps

Portable concrete mixers that include a pump are among the most sought-after and effective construction equipment currently available on the market. Concrete mixers with a pump (бетономешалка с насосом) are a newer and more advanced concrete pump type. Its increased popularity and demand have to do with how it efficiently combines both the functions of concrete pumps and traditional concrete mixers.

diesel engine concrete mixer pumps

Investing in concrete mixer pumps can greatly benefit your company in a number of ways. If you are interested in expanding your construction business, this is the type of equipment to consider.

The portable or mobile concrete pumps are available in two types depending on the type of engine that is used to operate them. These two types include diesel or electric. The diesel concrete pumps are more suited to handling construction projects in remote and rural areas since they do not rely on electricity in order to perform. Diesel models guarantee reliable and stable performance in even the toughest situations.

The electric concrete mixer pumps (миксер с бетононасосом) also provide a stable and reliable performance thanks to the use of a hydraulic pumping system. The electric types are a more environmentally-friendly choice since they do not use combustion engines.

Here are some of the main benefits of investing in portable concrete mixers that come with pumps:

– Fast And Easy Transportation

Portable concrete mixer pumps dramatically reduce the effort, cost, and time required when it comes to moving from one construction site to the next. This machinery features a reliable compact design that comes with wheels helping to increase its mobility. These designs also make it easy to assemble and disassemble.

– High Pumping Capacity

The average portable concrete mixing pumps offer pumping outputs of around 40m3/h. This is more than enough to match the demands of medium to small construction projects. The diesel models have a vertical maximum pumping distance of around 150 meters and a horizontal maximum pumping distance of around 300 meters. If you want to buy concrete mixing pumps, the company Aimix China is a good choice.

diesel concrete mixer pumps
diesel concrete mixer pumps

– High Mixing Speed
Despite the small volume, mixers in this type of machinery have an impressive mixing speed. This also means that the concrete can easily be produced when and as needed. There are also minimal delays when larger amounts are required.

– Minimal Space Occupation

Portable concrete mixer pumps feature compact designs meaning they occupy minimal space. This also means that this equipment offers more applications such as narrow bridges, tunnels, and streets.

– Ease Of Use And Safety

These machines are relatively easy to both use and learn. They also come with premium safety, since operating machinery in the construction sector comes with risks. However, this isn’t a problem with the portable and mobile concrete mixer pumps. These machines use PLC, which stands for Programmable Logic Controller making operating these machines very safe and easy to use. The overall design of these machines also lowers the potential risks of accidents and injuries.

– Affordability

When you compare buying separate concrete pumps and concrete mixers or having to use manual labor, concrete mixer pumps are a far more economically-viable choice.

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